Providing quality and compassionate healthcare

For the people of southwest Haiti.

Mission of Visitation Hospital Foundation

Visitation Hospital Foundation, motivated by profound respect for human dignity and with deep appreciation of the solidarity within the human family, is established to provide quality and compassionate healthcare for the people of southwest Haiti, and empower them with resources to pursue their basic right to health and health education.

Our Vision

Providing quality and compassionate healthcare for the people of southwest Haiti.

Facts About VHF

  • Not-for-Profit Status: VHF is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
  • Length of Time in Service: Serving Haiti since 2008.
  • Numbers of People Served: Over 300,000 patient cases treated.
  • Types of Service: Comprehensive medical care including general healthcare, dental services, radiology, laboratory services, midwifery, and public health outreach.
    • Women’s Services Including Midwifery Programs
    • General Healthcare
    • Dentistry
    • Emergency Services
    • Community Health Worker Program

Strengths of Our Current Clinic


Partner Testimonials

“I was impressed with the quality of medical care provided to the patients, the diversity of laboratory tests, and the wide variety of medications available at the pharmacy. Just a few years ago we saw quite a bit of caloric and protein malnutrition in the children. During this current week, I saw no protein malnutrition! I am sure that this reflects the addition of clean water, repetitive deworming missions, the daily availability of health care through the clinic, and the education program…This was truly amazing and inspirational for me to see.”

Dr. Lytitia Shea

“I have never seen and attended a pleasant and clean clinic like this in Haiti. I hope to come back next year and bring some of the Bahamian community to see this marvelous development.”

Fr. Alain Mary L. Bahama

“Visitation Clinic has an excellent staff in primary care currently, and they have operated the facility professionally and compassionately for the past 16 years.  Not only do they receive quality patient care, but each patient receives a diagnosis, lab tests, and medications (as necessary).  With an increase in our patient base, patients still only pay according to their ability.  No one is ever turned away. We expect that our ambulatory surgical center will also become a center of excellence for the poor of Haiti.”

Dr. Tom Grabenstein, past Board President of VHF

We Need Your Support

You can make a difference today!

We have immediate needs that require your support.

We are calling on compassionate supporters to help us address the critical needs of our clinic and the communities we serve. Your contributions will ensure that we continue to provide essential healthcare, emergency services, and nutritional support to those most in need. Here are the specific areas where your support can make a lasting impact.

Funding to maintain clinic operations of $400,000 – $450,000 per year
Provide a new Ambulance or Toyota Truck/Van
Assist with the rising costs of diesel fuel and medicines/supplies
Continue to work with Food for the Poor to provide nutrition for those with most need
Support the work of and increase the number of Midwives “matrons” to continue to safeguard
mothers and their babies

Building for a Healthier Tomorrow In Haiti: Our Vision for an Ambulatory Surgery Center

We are excited to announce plans to build an Ambulatory Surgery Center next to our current clinic. This facility will offer vital services like ophthalmology, general surgery, and more, providing much-needed care to the community. It will also create opportunities for local healthcare training and collaboration with the Haitian Ministry of Health.

Comprehensive Surgical Services

Our future Ambulatory Surgery Center will offer crucial services such as ophthalmology, cataract removal, urology, general surgery, and select orthopedic procedures, along with housing for visiting surgeons.

Securing Resources for Growth

To launch and sustain operations, we aim to secure grants for Haitian medical staff, equipment, medications, and supplies. While construction funds are in place, additional support is needed for long-term operations.

Training Local Talent & Building Partnerships

We plan to sponsor local high school graduates, providing training in key medical disciplines. Additionally, we will collaborate with the Haitian Ministry of Health to bring in surgeons and share resources with other hospital facilities.

U.S. Assistance for Future Development

We are seeking financial support from U.S. partners to fund these initiatives, ensuring the center’s future success and ability to provide critical healthcare services.

Expanding Community Health Initiatives

We are enhancing our Community Health Worker Program by increasing training, working closely with the Director of Health to add more healthcare workers, and expanding the scope of services to reach more communities in need.

Launching New Mission-Driven Projects

We are excited to initiate new projects in Haiti, including microfinance programs, tree planting efforts, and innovative irrigation solutions, all aimed at fostering long-term sustainability and growth.

Your support is crucial in helping us achieve these goals.

Join Us in Sustaining Healthcare

Together, we can make a lasting difference in the lives of Haitians in need of healthcare.

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